
You Can’t Make Me Market My Business

You Can’t Make Me Market My Business

YOU CAN’T MAKE ME MARKET MY BUSINESS   “You must mar­ket your busi­ness.” “You must post on social media.” “Video mar­ket­ing gets more atten­tion.”  We hear this, we even believe it, but we are just not gonna do it.  Mar­ket­ing experts tell us how to mar­ket 

<span class="caps">ALL</span> I <span class="caps">WANT</span> <span class="caps">FOR</span> <span class="caps">CHRISTMAS</span>


All I want for Christ­mas is… 1. Beau­ti­ful­ly Dec­o­rat­ed Tree 2. Show Stop­per Man­tel 3. Big Hit Cen­ter­piece 4. Wel­com­ing Front Door 5. To Enjoy the Sea­son and World Peace Who won’t want this list for Christ­mas? It’s is pop­u­lar Hol­i­day List con­sid­er­ing the stress and expec­ta­tions that sur­round 

Tablescapes that <span class="caps">WOW</span>!

Tablescapes that WOW!

Tablescapes that WOW! Most of us can say “Yay” or “Nay” to whether or not a tablescape wows us. How­ev­er, the same can­not be said for the rules and must-have com­po­nents that are essen­tial to cre­at­ing the per­fect table set­ting.   Here are a few rules 

What Scares You, in Holiday Decorating? — 5 Easy Decorating Tricks for the Holidays

What Scares You, in Holiday Decorating? — 5 Easy Decorating Tricks for the Holidays

Hap­py Fall, Y’all! Since we are enter­ing into a month where all things scary are cel­e­brat­ed, this month’s theme is — What Scares You, in Hol­i­day Dec­o­rat­ing? My goal is to get you moti­vat­ed and con­fi­dent in order to com­plete your dec­o­rat­ing duties before the hol­i­days. 

My Top 5 Staging Hacks

My Top 5 Staging Hacks

One of the beau­ti­ful things about gain­ing expe­ri­ence, par­tic­u­lar­ly years and years of it, is the inevitable fact that you will pick up hacks along the way that will hope­ful­ly save 3 valu­able things–time, ener­gy and mon­ey! An addi­tion­al perk of gain­ing such knowl­edge is 

Kick Back <span class="amp">&</span> Start Up

Kick Back & Start Up

Whether it is ren­o­vat­ing a tired a room in your house or tak­ing the steps towards cat­a­pult­ing your busi­ness to the next lev­el, we have some advice on how to go about mesh­ing relax­ation and moti­va­tion. All of us busi­ness own­ers and hus­tlers know that 

From My Table to Yours

From My Table to Yours

Hap­py Novem­ber every­body! I can’t believe it is already that time of year again. Thanks­giv­ing is 3 weeks from today and our homes will be cov­ered in hues of orange, yel­low and red, if they aren’t already. Although daunt­ing, the process of dec­o­rat­ing for the 

From My House To Yours — Diane Howard

From My House To Yours — Diane Howard

As we enter into a month full of fam­i­ly, joy and togeth­er­ness, we are also begin­ning a new seg­ment called, “From Our House To Yours”. We hope that dur­ing this month, you will get to know our train­ers bet­ter, and ulti­mate­ly con­sid­er them not only 

Spruce Up Your Home For the Holidays

Spruce Up Your Home For the Holidays

It is offi­cial­ly that time of the year when chaos breaks out around the hol­i­days and fes­tive dec­o­ra­tions get left by the way­side. But fear not! There is still time to whip up some great dec­o­ra­tions to get your house in the spir­it of the 

Accent Walls Series #3

Accent Walls Series #3

We’re in the third and final part of our #Accent­WallSeries now so we’re going to take a look at more ways to exe­cute this design tech­nique! We’ve talked about adding wall­pa­per and installing reclaimed wood or trim, but now we’re going to adven­ture into more uncon­ven­tion­al ideas.