Home Staging Services

Home Staging Works!

When prep­ping to sell your home, there’s a lot that needs to be done that can cause sig­nif­i­cant over­whelm and stress. 

  • Pro­fes­sion­al­ly staged homes show bet­ter than non staged homes.
  • Staged prop­er­ties sell faster com­pared to non staged homes.
  • Staged prop­er­ties can increase the num­ber and sell­ing price.
  • Buy­er view pro­fes­sion­al­ly staged list­ings as “well maintained.
  • Buy­ers’ agents tend to show staged prop­er­ties due to “move-in” ready condition.
  • Pho­tos of pro­fes­sion­al­ly stat­ed list­ings look bet­ter in MLS photos.

Click Here for more infor­ma­tion from Real Estate Stag­ing Association

Staging Consultation

The stag­ing con­sul­ta­tion, an onsite tour of the whole home, begins at the curb.  Curb appeal cre­ates the buy­er’s excite­ment for your home.  From the front yard to the back, the exte­ri­or will receive valu­able tips to help your home stand out.  Step­ping inside the home should help buy­ers elic­it a sense of “home”.  The con­sul­ta­tion will offer sug­ges­tions to show­case all sell­ing fea­tures such as the view, archi­tec­tur­al details, square footage and val­ue added fea­tures.  Dur­ing the con­sul­ta­tion, sug­ges­tions for fur­ni­ture place­ment, need­ed repairs and per­son­al items and any proven stag­ing solu­tion will be offered. We want your home to have the visu­al impact to obtain the val­i­dat­ed offer.  A pri­or­i­tized room by room report will pro­vide guid­ance to com­pete the stag­ing to pre­pare you home for the mar­ket.  We don’t want you to waste your time or mon­ey if not of val­ue. The goal is to max­i­mize your sell­ing price and reduce time on the mar­ket.  You are wel­come to tack­le the task your­self or we are there to help.  If ven­dor resources are need, refer­rals are avail­able. 


Virtual Staging Consultation

Vir­tu­al stag­ing con­sul­ta­tion are as com­pre­hen­sive even if the prop­er­ty is not avail­able for a walk through.  Stag­ing sug­ges­tions from a cer­ti­fied home stager is where the val­ue comes in. You receive a pri­or­i­tized report with a list of stag­ing proven tasks as well as the online pre­sen­ta­tion review­ing the sug­ges­tions.  This one on one webi­nar is a sim­ple click with visu­al aids to sup­port the report.  Sec­ond home home­own­ers gain great val­ue from this ser­vice.  

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Occupied Home Staging

We love stag­ing occu­pied homes.  We use your fur­nish­ings to stage your home of max­i­mum appeal.  Dec­o­rat­ing to sell is dif­fer­ent that how we live in the home.  Sim­ply repo­si­tion­ing your fur­nish­ing with a stag­ing eye can be what the buy­er needs to pic­ture for an offer.  Fur­ni­ture place­ment, art­work and light­ing enhance your sell­ing fea­tures and defines the space. After the stag­ing con­sul­ta­tion report has been reviewed if there are any need­ed addi­tions or elim­i­na­tion, we will decide on how to com­plete the stag­ing tak­ing into con­sid­er­a­tion bud­get and time­line.  We assist on all selec­tions of col­or, fur­ni­ture, home improve­ments even down to the small­est acces­so­ry.  We want to style your home to sell. We will also pro­vide clients a Pre-show­ing check­list to make show­ings as stress free as possible.