
Wel­come to our site. For twen­ty years, we have offered award-win­ning ser­vices in Col­or, Inte­ri­or Dec­o­rat­ing projects both large and small, and Home Stag­ing for prop­er­ties on the mar­ket.  We are hon­ored to be rec­og­nized as one of the Top 75 Indus­try Lead­ers in Home Stag­ing by RESA, the lead­ing stag­ing asso­ci­a­tion. Although we have helped clients all over the coun­try, our pri­ma­ry ser­vice areas are in Park City, Utah and Scotts­dale, Ari­zona.  Whether your project is small or large, starter or lux­u­ry, our com­mit­ment is to exceed your expectations.

In addi­tion to our design and stag­ing ser­vices, we can even teach you how to start your own dec­o­rat­ing and stag­ing busi­ness with our cer­ti­fied class­es, offered both live and online offered by our train­ing com­pa­ny, The Dec­o­rat­ing and Stag­ing Acad­e­my.  If you are look­ing for a speak­er for your wom­en’s group, char­i­ty event, or indus­try pro­gram, we would love to share with you. 

For more details on any of our ser­vices, call San­dra at 435–901‑1205 or email sandra@sandraracz.com.