Spruce Up Your Home For the Holidays

Spruce Up Your Home For the Holidays

It is offi­cial­ly that time of the year when chaos breaks out around the hol­i­days and fes­tive dec­o­ra­tions get left by the way­side. But fear not! There is still time to whip up some great dec­o­ra­tions to get your house in the spir­it of the 

Accent Walls Series #3

Accent Walls Series #3

We’re in the third and final part of our #Accent­WallSeries now so we’re going to take a look at more ways to exe­cute this design tech­nique! We’ve talked about adding wall­pa­per and installing reclaimed wood or trim, but now we’re going to adven­ture into more uncon­ven­tion­al ideas. 

Accent Walls Series #2

Accent Walls Series #2

In the first post of our #Accent­WallsSeries, we intro­duced the top­ic and dis­cussed how impor­tant this com­mon design fea­ture can be. Now we want to dive deep­er into the dif­fer­ent ways to accent your walls. When accent walls were at their peak, paint was the num­ber one way to 

Accent Walls Series #1

Accent Walls Series #1

  Accent walls, real­ly? I admit, I felt accent walls were overused in the mid 2000s but now I am enjoy­ing them again. Select­ing the best wall to accent is key! There are sev­er­al rea­sons to accent your walls. First, it’s a quick and easy way 

Is Your Mantel Crying for a Seasonal Update?

Is Your Mantel Crying for a Seasonal Update?

Final­ly the weath­er is chang­ing and my over­all atti­tude is bet­ter. You cre­ative ones know what this means…it’s time for a redesign! I enjoyed the white ele­ments my man­tel had dur­ing the win­ter; it reflect­ed the snow out­side my win­dow. Now, my man­tel is cry­ing