What Scares You, in Holiday Decorating? — 5 Easy Decorating Tricks for the Holidays

What Scares You, in Holiday Decorating? — 5 Easy Decorating Tricks for the Holidays

Hap­py Fall, Y’all!

Since we are enter­ing into a month where all things scary are cel­e­brat­ed, this month’s theme is — What Scares You, in Hol­i­day Dec­o­rat­ing? My goal is to get you moti­vat­ed and con­fi­dent in order to com­plete your dec­o­rat­ing duties before the holidays.


1. Get Your Front Porch Fall Ready


The first thing you see as you dri­ve up to a home is often the front door and porch of a home. So why not make it an area of inter­est, as opposed to sim­ply a bor­ing entry­way. It is inevitable that dur­ing this time of year, guests, fam­i­ly and friend­ly get-togeth­ers will most def­i­nite­ly be tak­ing place. So why not cre­ate a home that wel­comes such guests in. A few tips to do just that are add a fun front door col­or, sea­son-appro­pri­ate mat, pair of planters and then top it off with mums, pump­kins and gourds.


2. The Table Setting Skinny


Col­or, col­or, col­or! The gor­geous fall col­ors that grace nature are amongst the most notable beau­ties of the sea­son. The warm shades of orange, red and yel­low mixed with soft greens and a pop of gold, sil­ver or cop­per met­als will look devine. Bring­ing in charg­er plates or a dec­o­ra­tive base set­ting as well as a pop of col­or in the can­dles and some fun fall flow­ers, you will have the din­ing area cov­ered in no time.


3. Create Some Cozy


Regard­less of the inte­ri­or vibe of your home, I can assure you, things can always be warmed up. Swap­ping out pil­lows and tran­si­tion­ing to rich­er fall hues will help tremen­dous­ly. Throws and acces­sories are always a cheap find and will help cre­ate the fes­tive yet func­tion­al feel you are look­ing for. A big part about cre­at­ing an atmos­phere that your guests will love, is mak­ing it easy for guests to get com­fy. So fill­ing a bas­ket with plush pil­lows and cozy throws adds both con­ve­nience and a cute touch to com­plete your liv­ing room decor.


4. May I Take Your Coat?


Allow­ing guests to be com­fort­able is key, how­ev­er I would sug­gest imple­ment­ing a few things to save your­self the stress of cleanup lat­er. Pro­vide a space where friends and fam­i­ly can put their jack­ets, purs­es, and shoes upon your request. If you live in a place with win­try weath­er or even a loca­tion with mild tem­per­a­tures, this change makes things sim­pler for you and those you invite into your home. An area rug, orga­nized hang­ers, a cou­ple square wood­en box­es and maybe even a funky umbrel­la buck­et can real­ly offer some per­son­al­i­ty and func­tion to this space.


5. Take the Fall Party Outdoors


If weath­er is per­mit­ting, take your fes­tiv­i­ties into the back­yard. Whether for a fun, a can­dlelit cock­tail hour, or your entire fam­i­ly meal, enter­tain­ing your guests out­doors is a great way to add inter­est and flair to your gath­er­ing. If you have a fire pit or out­door seat­ing area, adding can­dles, pil­lows and throws will enhance the space as well. 


I hope that this quick list helped to put your mind at ease and even spark some excite­ment to tack­le hol­i­day dec­o­rat­ing. Wish­ing you the best of luck, and have fun with it!



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