Tablescapes that WOW!

Tablescapes that <span class="caps">WOW</span>!

Tablescapes that WOW!

Most of us can say “Yay” or “Nay” to whether or not a tablescape wows us. How­ev­er, the same can­not be said for the rules and must-have com­po­nents that are essen­tial to cre­at­ing the per­fect table setting.
Here are a few rules that should be followed:


First off, the shape of your table is very impor­tant. Your table top is the can­vas and frame­work for your tablescape style and cre­ation. The bound­aries and shapes used will be dic­tat­ed by your table shape. A round or square table will lend itself to a square design, while a rec­tan­gle or oval shaped table will lend itself to an elon­gat­ed design.


You need to use some kind of base to anchor the com­po­nents of your cen­ter­piece. Some exam­ples are place­mats, green­ery, charg­ers, trays, or a funky con­tain­er or box that ties every­thing together.


Like all great tablescapes, you need a vari­ety of height and tex­ture, as well as the per­fect place­ment of each. Just because some­thing looks stun­ning, does not mean it is nec­es­sar­i­ly func­tion­al. Make sure that your guests can see one anoth­er in order to con­nect and con­verse. There should also be ade­quate room left for the place settings.


Your table and decor are what work togeth­er to set the mood of your gath­er­ing. This mood can be ele­gant or casu­al or some­where in between. If your din­ner is tak­ing place after the sun has set for the evening, use can­dles to cre­ate a warm ambiance.


Always con­sid­er your col­or sto­ry. Although this may sound restric­tive, know that it will actu­al­ly help you when choos­ing place­mats, can­dle and flower col­ors, and while decid­ing which acces­sories to grab.


Use green­ery, whether faux or cut from the yard. This hack allows for tex­ture which is often lack­ing. Green­ery or flow­ers in a vase can be used for height as well. Just remem­ber to make sure there are no lit­tle crit­ters hang­ing on to your new­found decor if brought in from the yard.
Remem­ber, you can get inspi­ra­tion any­where and every­where. From mod­el homes to your favorite home decor store, always been on the look­out for tips and tricks.
Cred­it: first pho­to – Liz Lomax, last pho­to – Mod­el home in Den­ver, CO.