Spruce Up Your Home For the Holidays

Spruce Up Your Home For the Holidays

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It is offi­cial­ly that time of the year when chaos breaks out around the hol­i­days and fes­tive dec­o­ra­tions get left by the way­side. But fear not! There is still time to whip up some great dec­o­ra­tions to get your house in the spir­it of the hol­i­days. You can make this craft paper “Be Mer­ry” wall art fair­ly eas­i­ly and for pret­ty cheap! Just cut out hol­ly berries and leaves from green and red paper and adhere to a fea­ture wall in your home. You can find sten­cils here and use Zots to stick them up and remove easily!


Try this DIY on your stairs to add a whim­si­cal hol­i­day twist to your decor. You can buy tem­po­rary adhe­sive let­ters at Tar­get and spell out each rein­deer’s name on every oth­er step. And you can even switch the let­ter­ing to red when you get to Rudolph’s name!

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Grab some branch­es on your next win­ter stroll & hang num­ber-stamped mus­lim bags to cre­ate this fes­tive Christ­mas count­down cal­en­dar from Bet­ter Homes and Gar­dens! You can get already made mus­lim bags on Etsy as well!

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And last­ly, try some­thing new this year when you wrap your presents! You can use old news­pa­per, white butch­er-block paper or brown burlap for the base of your presents to keep con­sis­ten­cy. Then add col­or­ful bows and large let­ter tags to tie in the hol­i­day theme! Make presents easy to orga­nize by label­ing with a large let­ter for each per­son­’s name.

So it’s time to get dec­o­rat­ing and spread­ing cheer — the hol­i­days are around the cor­ner and now you have quite the arse­nal of dec­o­rat­ing tips to try!
