Color Consultations

Interior Color Creates Balance

Have you made numerous trips to the paint store?  Do you have swatches of color on the wall?  Have you made a color mistake in the past?  If you have you know it is not a cheap mistake.


Inte­ri­or col­or cre­ates bal­ance but choos­ing the right col­or can be extreme­ly frus­trat­ing.. Let’s face it the wrong col­or will total­ly destroy any room design. Col­or not only effects the look and feel of a space it effects the mood.  Under­stand­ing the art and sci­ence of col­or is key to col­or selec­tion.  Col­or con­sult­ing should be a col­lab­o­ra­tive process based your col­or pref­er­ence and the key ele­ments in the space.

Get the col­or palette wrong and it can’t be saved with even the most expen­sive sofa. For many, Col­or is often the most intim­i­dat­ing part of the design process…until the Con­fi­dent Col­or Sys­tem. Enjoy our Com­pli­men­ta­ry On-Demand Seminar.

Col­or is key to coor­di­nat­ing the over­all cohe­sive­ness of a room.  Select­ing col­or can be stress­ful and mis­takes are cost­ly.  Col­or match­ing exist­ing ele­ments and your style will allow us to cre­ate the per­fect col­or har­mo­ny.  Let us take the guess­work out of col­or selec­tion.  We will pro­vide you the per­fect col­or palette for your future shop­ping and dec­o­rat­ing deci­sions.  Paint sam­ples, design boards and pro­fes­sion­al painter refer­rals avail­able upon request.