From My Table to Yours

From My Table to Yours

Hap­py Novem­ber everybody!

I can’t believe it is already that time of year again. Thanks­giv­ing is 3 weeks from today and our homes will be cov­ered in hues of orange, yel­low and red, if they aren’t already. Although daunt­ing, the process of dec­o­rat­ing for the hol­i­days can be made fun and easy if you have inspi­ra­tion. Luck­i­ly for you, we are here to give you some.

The focal point of any Thanks­giv­ing din­ner is often the din­ing room table, and more specif­i­cal­ly the sea­son­al centerpiece.


Spice up your Pumpkins

A table set­ting often feels much more live­ly with some sea­son­al flow­ers in the midst of your plates and sil­ver­ware. If you seek the unique, why not turn your pump­kins or gourds into a vase! If you can find white pump­kins, even bet­ter. They often class up a table while remain­ing fes­tive and fun! I love the idea of using gold tacks to give your cen­ter­piece a lit­tle extra somethin’.


Can­dles & Gourds Galore

If you are short on time and are try­ing to throw togeth­er some­thing fall-ish but quick n’ easy, look no fur­ther. Run to your front porch and grab a cou­ple gourds, then bring out those white or col­or­ful can­dles from a draw­er and you are halfway there. Next grab a shal­low serv­ing dish, wood, glass or mar­ble serv­ing tray and a dec­o­ra­tive linen and you are done! The serv­ing dish can be filled with gourds, pine cones, can­dles, or any nat­ur­al autumn mate­ri­als you have on hand. Trust me when I say, no one will assume you threw this togeth­er five min­utes before they arrived.–8015-d824955bd719#slide_65b1135f-b520-4422–8015-d824955bd719


Wheat Wreath & House­hold Items

One of the great things about fall dec­o­rat­ing is that any­thing white or wood in your home can eas­i­ly be imple­ment­ed into your decor. Notice the items in this pho­tothat you would not nor­mal­ly think to use–dessert plat­ters, elon­gat­ed bas­kets, mason jars, funky glass­es, etc. When sur­round­ed with the right col­ors and acces­sories, it some­how all makes sense. Try to get your hands on a fall wreath, ide­al­ly one that fea­tures wheat and goldenrod.


Incor­po­rate your Loved Ones

Sim­ple, yet sen­ti­men­tal. I just love this idea of adding some fam­i­ly pho­tos to the nat­ur­al hold­ers found in stems with a few leaves or berries that can most like­ly be found in your back­yard. You can add twine or oth­er embell­ish­ments if you feel so inclined but it is absolute­ly not nec­es­sary. I guar­an­tee your fam­i­ly will love sit­ting around the din­ner table, rem­i­nisc­ing over old fam­i­ly pho­tos and last­ing memories.


Leaf Gar­land

Here is a project that will most def­i­nite­ly spice up your space, but can also be done by your lit­tle helpers dur­ing a fun, fall after­noon. All you need to do is hunt down some fab­ric scraps in har­vest hues. Bonus: the link below hous­es a FREE, down­load­able tem­plate to allow for easy cut­ting and fun for the whole family.