How To Add Pages To The Menu

Once you’ve cre­at­ed a page, it will not auto­mat­i­cal­ly show up on the site (unless it’s the child of a page that’s already on the menu — more on that in a moment).

Adding a page to the menu:

  1. Go to the Appear­ance > Menus.
  2. At the bot­tom left there will be a list of pages.  The page you cre­at­ed will be in this list.  Select it and hit “Add To Menu”
  3. The page will then show up in the list of menu items on the right.  You can lit­er­al­ly drag and drop these items into what­ev­er order you like.
  4. You can even drag them into a dif­fer­ent hier­ar­chy — if you drag an item a lit­tle to the right beneath anoth­er item, it will appear as a sub-item of that menu. Note, how­ev­er, that some themes lim­it you to one or two levels.
  5. Be sure to hit “Save Menu” when you’re fin­ished with all edits.
  6. If you wish to short­en the menu item’s name in the menu dis­play, you can expand the item, edit the name, and hit “Save Menu”

Dis­play­ing child pages:

Some pages are des­ig­nat­ed as chil­dren of oth­er pages.  Forex­am­ple, these “How To” pages are chil­dren of the “Wel­come To Word­Press” page.  Some these dis­play these chil­dren auto­mat­i­cal­ly in the menu.

To make a page a child of anoth­er, go to that page, and go to the “Page Attrib­ut­es” box.  Under “Par­ent”, select the page you want THIS page to be a child of.  You can also spec­i­fy the order in which you want this page to appear.

Cre­at­ing Blog Categories:

If you have divid­ed your posts into tags or cat­e­gories, you can cre­ate sep­a­rate pages in the menu for each of thems.  Sim­ply go to the “Tags/Categories” box and attach the cat­e­gories as you would anoth­er page.