There are 2 types of content in WordPress: Pages and Posts. Pages are static — they are meant to be informational and to be attached to your menus. Posts, however, are meant to be timely. They are not typically meant to appear in your navigational structure, but rather in on your blog page as a “Latest Post”. Posts are typically listed by the date posted, but can have categories and tags applied to them. You can then set up different pages to display posts based on those categories and tags (a good way to have sub-blogs on your site — I can show you how to do this).
You enter pages and posts in different places, but the same way for each:
- On the admin bar, select either page or post
- You will see a list of pages/posts. Either select one to edit, or create a new on by clicking on the appropriate link
- Enter your page’s content in the editor screen. Click here to read some important information about entering your content
- When you’re done, you can add page attributes to your page (such are parent pages to create a hierarchy), o categories and tags to your posts. You do this by using the toolbars to the bottom and right of the content editor.
- When you’re done, you can either publish your document, or save it as a draft by clicking the buttons at the upper right of the screen