How To Add Pages And Posts

There are 2 types of con­tent in Word­Press: Pages and Posts.  Pages are sta­t­ic — they are meant to be infor­ma­tion­al and to be attached to your menus.  Posts, how­ev­er, are meant to be time­ly.   They are not typ­i­cal­ly meant to appear in your nav­i­ga­tion­al struc­ture, but rather in on your blog page as a “Lat­est Post”.  Posts are typ­i­cal­ly list­ed by the date post­ed, but can have cat­e­gories and tags applied to them.  You can then set up dif­fer­ent pages to dis­play posts based on those cat­e­gories and tags (a good way to have sub-blogs on your site — I can show you how to do this).

You enter pages and posts in dif­fer­ent places, but the same way for each:

  1. On the admin bar, select either page or post
  2. You will see a list of pages/posts.  Either select one to edit, or cre­ate a new on by click­ing on the appro­pri­ate link
  3. Enter your page’s con­tent in the edi­tor screen.  Click here to read some impor­tant infor­ma­tion about enter­ing your content
  4. When you’re done, you can add page attrib­ut­es to your page (such are par­ent pages to cre­ate a hier­ar­chy), o cat­e­gories and tags to your posts.  You do this by using the tool­bars to the bot­tom and right of the con­tent editor.
  5. When you’re done, you can either pub­lish your doc­u­ment, or save it as a draft by click­ing the but­tons at the upper right of the screen