Welcome To WordPress

Wel­come to your Word­Press site, Sandra!

You are now able to start enter­ing con­tent and cre­at­ing menus.  I am cur­rent­ly work­ing on fin­ish­ing your web­site’s theme.  What you are cur­rent­ly view­ing is Word­Press’ default theme, but the beau­ty of Word­Press is that the con­tent and the pre­sen­ta­tion are com­plete­ly inde­pen­dent — you can go ahead and start enter­ing con­tent and I can apply your web­site’s theme when it’s ready.

I’ve cre­at­ed a quick guide to help you get start­ed — these are pages in your Word­Press instal­la­tion that you can either keep, or print out and delete:

I can also pro­vide you infor­ma­tion on how to do the fol­low­ing things — just email me and I’ll cre­ate the FAQ:

  • How to cre­ate an image gallery
  • How to add Pay­pal links
  • How to edit your Con­tact Forms