Tag: Secrets from a Decorator

Secrets from a Decorator: Finials add the Finishing Touch

Secrets from a Decorator: Finials add the Finishing Touch

What is a finial?  It’s the dec­o­ra­tive top­per of a lamp with the pur­pose of hold­ing the lamp shade to the lamp harp with the harp con­nect­ing to the base.  That’s the func­tion of the finial but the cre­ative part of the finial is total­ly 

Follow the Staging Guidelines

Follow the Staging Guidelines

Stag­ing guide­lines real­ly do Mat­ter.  Home stagers are not usu­al­ly present dur­ing show­ings there­fore they only get feed­back from agents if they make the effort.  We feel con­fi­dent our guide­lines, tips and tricks work to sell a home but we don’t often see them test­ed.