Tag: Sandra Racz

You Can’t Make Me Market My Business

You Can’t Make Me Market My Business

YOU CAN’T MAKE ME MARKET MY BUSINESS   “You must mar­ket your busi­ness.” “You must post on social media.” “Video mar­ket­ing gets more atten­tion.”  We hear this, we even believe it, but we are just not gonna do it.  Mar­ket­ing experts tell us how to mar­ket 

Is Your Mantel Crying for a Seasonal Update?

Is Your Mantel Crying for a Seasonal Update?

Final­ly the weath­er is chang­ing and my over­all atti­tude is bet­ter. You cre­ative ones know what this means…it’s time for a redesign! I enjoyed the white ele­ments my man­tel had dur­ing the win­ter; it reflect­ed the snow out­side my win­dow. Now, my man­tel is cry­ing 

Secrets from a Decorator: Finials add the Finishing Touch

Secrets from a Decorator: Finials add the Finishing Touch

What is a finial?  It’s the dec­o­ra­tive top­per of a lamp with the pur­pose of hold­ing the lamp shade to the lamp harp with the harp con­nect­ing to the base.  That’s the func­tion of the finial but the cre­ative part of the finial is total­ly 

A First Timer Deco-Zone Experience

A First Timer Deco-Zone Experience

I am not a high end design­er with years of expe­ri­ence and I stay pret­ty safe with­in the realm of neu­tral col­ors that I know can match.   San­dra Racz told me about The DECO-Zone, an event held dur­ing Atlanta’s Amer­i­c­as­Mart with speak­ers shar­ing infor­ma­tion 

Are you Part of a Staging Team?

Are you Part of a Staging Team?

Team­work is Pow­er­ful!  Stud­ies show that work­ing as a team to accom­plish a goal results in a high­er suc­cess rate. Cre­at­ing your team of like-mind­ed pro­fes­sion­als will increase sales, encour­age cre­ativ­i­ty and allow for more pro­duc­tiv­i­ty result­ing in achieved goals and bench­marks for your busi­ness. 

Follow the Staging Guidelines

Follow the Staging Guidelines

Stag­ing guide­lines real­ly do Mat­ter.  Home stagers are not usu­al­ly present dur­ing show­ings there­fore they only get feed­back from agents if they make the effort.  We feel con­fi­dent our guide­lines, tips and tricks work to sell a home but we don’t often see them test­ed.