Tag: interior design

Accent Walls Series #3

Accent Walls Series #3

We’re in the third and final part of our #Accent­WallSeries now so we’re going to take a look at more ways to exe­cute this design tech­nique! We’ve talked about adding wall­pa­per and installing reclaimed wood or trim, but now we’re going to adven­ture into more uncon­ven­tion­al ideas. 

Accent Walls Series #2

Accent Walls Series #2

In the first post of our #Accent­WallsSeries, we intro­duced the top­ic and dis­cussed how impor­tant this com­mon design fea­ture can be. Now we want to dive deep­er into the dif­fer­ent ways to accent your walls. When accent walls were at their peak, paint was the num­ber one way to