Tag: holiday decorating

<span class="caps">ALL</span> I <span class="caps">WANT</span> <span class="caps">FOR</span> <span class="caps">CHRISTMAS</span>


All I want for Christ­mas is… 1. Beau­ti­ful­ly Dec­o­rat­ed Tree 2. Show Stop­per Man­tel 3. Big Hit Cen­ter­piece 4. Wel­com­ing Front Door 5. To Enjoy the Sea­son and World Peace Who won’t want this list for Christ­mas? It’s is pop­u­lar Hol­i­day List con­sid­er­ing the stress and expec­ta­tions that sur­round 

Spruce Up Your Home For the Holidays

Spruce Up Your Home For the Holidays

It is offi­cial­ly that time of the year when chaos breaks out around the hol­i­days and fes­tive dec­o­ra­tions get left by the way­side. But fear not! There is still time to whip up some great dec­o­ra­tions to get your house in the spir­it of the