Magazine Issues

Decorating and Staging Today


Dec­o­rat­ing and Stag­ing Today, a quar­ter­ly online mag­a­zine is packed filled with what all dec­o­rat­ing and stag­ing read­er want to know. The trend­ing top­ics, mar­ket­ing and busi­ness ideas, design, col­or and stag­ing tips and what’s on our mind. We will also fea­ture guest writ­ers, which could be you…send us your top­ic ideas for con­sid­er­a­tion. Watch each quar­ter for a new issue filled with inspiration.
We hope our mag­a­zine, Dec­o­rat­ing and Stag­ing Today, does the same for you! Enjoy!
















Want a per­son­al­ized mag­a­zine for YOUR clients?

 This mar­ket­ing oppor­tu­ni­ty is per­son­al­ize for you to share with your clients.  You pro­vide:  Con­tent on the Let­ter from the Edi­tor page and the back cov­er page.  Include what you would like to high­light for your clients. We sug­gest your pho­to, con­tact details, ser­vices, etc.  The cov­er pho­to will change and the “Cour­tesy of …” will fea­ture your name and/or busi­ness name.  All arti­cles will remain the same.





$79/Issue.  Bonus: Buy 3 Issues, Get Quar­ter 4 Issue Free $237
Click Here to Pur­chase One Issue for $79

Click Here to Pur­chase (4)2018 Issues for $237


Want to adver­tise in Dec­o­rat­ing and Stag­ing Today? 

Click Here for Media Kit

