Accent Walls Series #2

Accent Walls Series #2

In the first post of our #Accent­WallsSeries, we intro­duced the top­ic and dis­cussed how impor­tant this com­mon design fea­ture can be. Now we want to dive deep­er into the dif­fer­ent ways to accent your walls.

When accent walls were at their peak, paint was the num­ber one way to address the wall. You felt dar­ing if you used a col­or that was two shades dark­er. Now we are try­ing more than just adding paint!


Wall­pa­per has made a HUGE come back in the dec­o­rat­ing world. Unless you have ignored every dec­o­rat­ing mag­a­zine and TV show out there, you know this to be true. Most of my clients don’t want to invest the mon­ey into wall­pa­per­ing an entire room, so that’s where accent walls come in. Sin­gling out one wall is much more afford­able (and less time con­sum­ing!) than com­plet­ing an entire room. Plus it’s not near­ly as over­whelm­ing and can be very taste­ful so long as the right paper is picked out.


Wood pan­el­ing or trim can be anoth­er great way to define your style and add unique­ness to your space. From Vic­to­ri­an to mod­ern to rus­tic, this extreme­ly pop­u­lar trend is very ver­sa­tile and easy to install. Trim gives dimen­sion and inter­est to a space, and pan­el­ing pro­vides tex­ture and warmth. Also, for those of us who don’t have easy access to reclaimed barn wood or pal­lets, check out!

That’s all we have for today’s post! So don’t miss out on our next batch of ideas and ways to accent your walls when we con­tin­ue our #Accent­WallsSeries in a cou­ple weeks!
