Accent Walls Series #2

In the first post of our #AccentWallsSeries, we introduced the topic and discussed how important this common design feature can be. Now we want to dive deeper into the different ways to accent your walls.
When accent walls were at their peak, paint was the number one way to address the wall. You felt daring if you used a color that was two shades darker. Now we are trying more than just adding paint!
Wallpaper has made a HUGE come back in the decorating world. Unless you have ignored every decorating magazine and TV show out there, you know this to be true. Most of my clients don’t want to invest the money into wallpapering an entire room, so that’s where accent walls come in. Singling out one wall is much more affordable (and less time consuming!) than completing an entire room. Plus it’s not nearly as overwhelming and can be very tasteful so long as the right paper is picked out.
Wood paneling or trim can be another great way to define your style and add uniqueness to your space. From Victorian to modern to rustic, this extremely popular trend is very versatile and easy to install. Trim gives dimension and interest to a space, and paneling provides texture and warmth. Also, for those of us who don’t have easy access to reclaimed barn wood or pallets, check out!
That’s all we have for today’s post! So don’t miss out on our next batch of ideas and ways to accent your walls when we continue our #AccentWallsSeries in a couple weeks!