Accent Walls Series #1

Accent walls, really? I admit, I felt accent walls were overused in the mid 2000s but now I am enjoying them again. Selecting the best wall to accent is key! There are several reasons to accent your walls.
First, it’s a quick and easy way to update any room. Who doesn’t like instant gratification? With one wall you can totally transform an entire space. You can also add accent walls to any room not just a bedroom or living room, but a kitchen, bathroom or entry way to boot!
Second, accent walls are budget friendly due to the fact that you are only addressing one wall instead of an entire room. And don’t think you’re limited to just paint color, accent walls can include many different materials, shapes and forms.
They also allow you to showcase key elements of the space, such as architectural interests. Extending the stone surrounding your fireplace up to the ceiling will direct your eye and make a statement.
So be bold and don’t be afraid to create an amazing accent wall! They can be easy to install, provide storage space, brighten up a room and can be added to any space. Look out for our next #AccentWallsSeries post in the coming weeks to get a more in depth look at the different types of accent walls that are trending NOW!