Accent Walls Series #1

Accent Walls Series #1


Accent walls, real­ly? I admit, I felt accent walls were overused in the mid 2000s but now I am enjoy­ing them again. Select­ing the best wall to accent is key! There are sev­er­al rea­sons to accent your walls.

First, it’s a quick and easy way to update any room. Who does­n’t like instant grat­i­fi­ca­tion? With one wall you can total­ly trans­form an entire space. You can also add accent walls to any room not just a bed­room or liv­ing room, but a kitchen, bath­room or entry way to boot!

Sec­ond, accent walls are bud­get friend­ly due to the fact that you are only address­ing one wall instead of an entire room. And don’t think you’re lim­it­ed to just paint col­or, accent walls can include many dif­fer­ent mate­ri­als, shapes and forms.


They also allow you to show­case key ele­ments of the space, such as archi­tec­tur­al inter­ests. Extend­ing the stone sur­round­ing your fire­place up to the ceil­ing will direct your eye and make a statement.

So be bold and don’t be afraid to cre­ate an amaz­ing accent wall! They can be easy to install, pro­vide stor­age space, bright­en up a room and can be added to any space. Look out for our next #Accent­WallsSeries post in the com­ing weeks to get a more in depth look at the dif­fer­ent types of accent walls that are trend­ing NOW!
