Secrets from a Decorator: Finials add the Finishing Touch

Secrets from a Decorator: Finials add the Finishing Touch

What is a finial?  It’s the dec­o­ra­tive top­per of a lamp with the pur­pose of hold­ing the lamp shade to the lamp harp with the harp con­nect­ing to the base.  That’s the func­tion of the finial but the cre­ative part of the finial is total­ly in your con­trol.  Most lamps are pur­chased with its coor­di­nat­ing basic finial. Let’s take it up a notch.

Let’s face it.  We place the lamp, we plug it in and then we for­get it. As long as we can see to read or find our path­ways we don’t revis­it or update our lamps.  This last week I need­ed a lamp finial for a client so the search began.  Online to spe­cial­ty lamp stores and then I just hap­pened to check out the light­ing sec­tion in Pier One…Bingo.  The finials ranged in price from the on sale $3.50 — $19.00.  I pur­chase the per­fect one for my client Rotated-1and then of course I added one for me.  I admit I had lost a finial in our recent move and com­plete­ly for­got about it.  It’s the extra atten­tion to detail that will set your room apart.  I went right back to Pier One and bought a few more just to update and increase the val­ue of a few more of my lamps and to have on hand for my clients.

What can be more eco­nom­i­cal than $3.50?  Attach an object of inter­est (rock, beach glass, pine cone, antique jew­el­ry or any unique object) to the basic finial that came with the lamp.  This small ele­ment can take an ordi­nary lamp to the unique, “Where did you get that?” level.

It’s quick, eco­nom­i­cal and dramatic.

Check out

