Secrets from a Decorator: Finials add the Finishing Touch
What is a finial? It’s the decorative topper of a lamp with the purpose of holding the lamp shade to the lamp harp with the harp connecting to the base. That’s the function of the finial but the creative part of the finial is totally in your control. Most lamps are purchased with its coordinating basic finial. Let’s take it up a notch.
Let’s face it. We place the lamp, we plug it in and then we forget it. As long as we can see to read or find our pathways we don’t revisit or update our lamps. This last week I needed a lamp finial for a client so the search began. Online to specialty lamp stores and then I just happened to check out the lighting section in Pier One…Bingo. The finials ranged in price from the on sale $3.50 — $19.00. I purchase the perfect one for my client and then of course I added one for me. I admit I had lost a finial in our recent move and completely forgot about it. It’s the extra attention to detail that will set your room apart. I went right back to Pier One and bought a few more just to update and increase the value of a few more of my lamps and to have on hand for my clients.
What can be more economical than $3.50? Attach an object of interest (rock, beach glass, pine cone, antique jewelry or any unique object) to the basic finial that came with the lamp. This small element can take an ordinary lamp to the unique, “Where did you get that?” level.
It’s quick, economical and dramatic.
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