Are you Part of a Staging Team?

Are you Part of a Staging Team?

Team­work is Pow­er­ful!  Stud­ies show that work­ing as a team to accom­plish a goal results in a high­er suc­cess rate. Cre­at­ing your team of like-mind­ed pro­fes­sion­als will increase sales, encour­age cre­ativ­i­ty and allow for more pro­duc­tiv­i­ty result­ing in achieved goals and bench­marks for your business.

My cur­rent team shares sev­er­al goals: Assist home­own­ers to stage their prop­er­ty, cre­ate an emo­tion­al con­nec­tion with poten­tial buy­ers, and gen­er­ate the best offer in the short­est amount of time.  As a cer­ti­fied Home Stager, my role is to edu­cate agents, home­own­ers and ven­dors.  When home­own­ers under­stand the impor­tance of stag­ing sug­ges­tions, they take action to pre­pare their home for max­i­mum appeal. The home­own­er is part of the team too.  Any­one can cre­ate a long list of items for the home­own­er to change, remove and update, but cre­at­ing the prac­ti­cal list with pri­or­i­ties and solu­tions not only ensures a show-ready home it de-stress­es the process of selling.

Dur­ing the list­ing appoint­ment, the Agent presents a mar­ket analy­sis and a mar­ket­ing plan that show­cas­es their team:  Their Com­pa­ny and Them­selves.  Now add the cer­ti­fied Home Stager pro­vid­ing a non-biased report with proven steps that sell homes faster then that team is even more impressive.

I work with many agents in Sum­mit Coun­ty, by cre­at­ing a team approach for their clients they excel at get­ting their prop­er­ties sold quick­er and more seam­less­ly.  A real estate agents job is sell­ing, mar­ket­ing, work­ing with home own­ers and prospect­ing adding  stag­ing will increase your effi­cien­cy in get­ting prop­er­ties sold and increase the like­li­hood of more listings.

Results are moti­vat­ing, so focus on cre­at­ing a team. One that is edu­cat­ed and like mind­ed in their approach.
