Follow the Staging Guidelines

Follow the Staging Guidelines

Stag­ing guide­lines real­ly do Mat­ter.  Home stagers are not usu­al­ly present dur­ing show­ings there­fore they only get feed­back from agents if they make the effort.  We feel con­fi­dent our guide­lines, tips and tricks work to sell a home but we don’t often see them tested.

One of the guide­lines: Cre­ate per­fect traf­fic pat­terns and flow through­out the home.  Home stagers are influ­enced by dec­o­rat­ing ele­ments and they influ­ence the pre­sen­ta­tion of the home.  Uti­liz­ing “on-trend” décor and place­ment gives val­ue to the home.  Know­ing the dif­fer­ence in “Dec­o­rat­ing to Dwell” or for the home­own­er and “Dec­o­rat­ing to Sell” to poten­tial buy­ers is crit­i­cal to suc­cess­ful stag­ing. This week Daniela Dowie and I were wrap­ping up a stag­ing when we had a sur­prise show­ing.  Sev­en poten­tial buy­ers were there to view and con­nect with the space, that’s right sev­en.  Watch­ing sev­en adults maneu­ver through the con­do empha­sized the impor­tance of wide path­ways and my deci­sion to redesign the entry­way for space.
Secret:  In Home Stag­ing open your traf­fic pat­terns up to 36” elim­i­nat­ing fur­ni­ture if need­ed.  You are not sell­ing fur­ni­ture.  Fol­low the Rules and Nev­er Sac­ri­fice Style!
