Peel and Stick Updates

Peel and Stick Updates

How easy can it be to give our homes an update when you have prod­ucts that are easy to install. We see projects that don’t look as good as you envi­sioned and oth­ers that sur­prise you.  How much eas­i­er can it get to peel and stick tiles down…yes you need to make sure the tiles are lev­el. Selec­tion and instal­la­tion is key for this fin­ished project to look pro­fes­sion­al.   Think about adding dra­ma, dimen­sion and archi­tec­tur­al details to a back­splash, accent wall, and bath­room.  Now, before you turn you nose up the the sim­plic­i­ty of these ideas.  Check out the impact and the instal­la­tion ease.  Stik­wood is one of my favorite prod­ucts.  Real barn wood that is cut down and a peel and stick stripe added to the back to make it super easy.  What will they think of next? Peel and Stick Tile for Back­splash­es, Coun­ter­tops, and dec­o­ra­tive accents. It doesn’t get any eas­i­er than this Back­splash­es, Coun­ter­tops, and dec­o­ra­tive accents. It doesn’t get any eas­i­er than this
