Hitting a Stone Wall Can Open Up Possibilities

Hitting a Stone Wall Can Open Up PossibilitiesWe want every space in our home to have the WOW factor. Just like my clients, I want to zero in on getting the biggest bang for the buck and in this case the home and the budget was small. For this one bedroom cabin, the family room was the first impression and needed to make an impact.
Starting with the focal stone wall gave motivation and “demolition therapy”. The first of many DIY projects, this one was messy, creative and economical.
Yes, we removed the mauve carpeting. Let’s just say it made clean up easier.
Now that the slate was clean, the key features identified: mantel, a stone/natural element, fire source and accessorizing.
Measurements in hand, we made a trip to the lumber yard to select a mantel. Traipsing through a yard of cut, unhoned trees was fun. It’s like the pride you feel when finding the perfect Christmas tree. Once you select a tree, they will cut the tree to your specifications. Cost: free – $100.
Next step: Stone selection. We opted for the real deal although the prefabricated stone looks great and is much lighter and easier to install. Again, hit the stone yard for the best deals. Cheaper pricing and they deliver. We installed the stone ourselves, we are not experts, but we made it a family affair.
Warmth was important. We opted to keep the pellet stove. It puts out great heat and since it was a cabin the stove fit with the décor. No cost and the pellets are cheap.
$2/ bag Plan for Add On Projects. While designing the focal wall we continued the same design to the bar area. Incorporating the same stone and the same logs (cut thinner) provide continuity and style to an otherwise boring area.
Accessorizing put the finishing touches on the focal wall. Bringing nature inside with the artwork, texture and rustic accessories made the interior an extension of the view. Now we can sit back and relax.