RESA Conference

<span class="caps">RESA</span> Conference

My bags are packed and where should I go?  The RESA Conference?
There are pros and cons to both sides.


There are so many rea­sons NOT to go for conference.

Con: The tim­ing is just not good for me, plus cred­it card bills will be due.
Truth:  Real­ly? I would love to get out of the house after the hol­i­days. All the cook­ing and wrap­ping and then the returns.  I was chas­ing my shad­ow for weeks.  This is the per­fect excuse to get away.  I can enjoy learn­ing in a great local, meet new friends and it’s all “busi­ness”.  Oh, I just can’t for­get to pay the VISA minimum.

Con:  Mon­ey is real­ly tight right now.
Truth:  When do I ever get cash from the mon­ey tree in the back yard?  The rooms are only $74 and $37 if I share.  Trans­porta­tion is cheap or free. Most meals are includ­ed and good­ness, it’s a write off.  Yeah and I can’t for­get the buffets.

Con:  I am not real­ly sure what con­fer­ence is all about.
Truth:  Check­ing out the web­site and lis­ten­ing to the hilar­i­ous key note speak­er makes me laugh out loud.  All the oth­er speak­ers look great too.  Where else can I go and learn what is hap­pen­ing in the world of stag­ing and redesign. The ven­dors are going to have great deals and infor­ma­tion that I don’t want to miss.  I heard The Dec­o­rat­ing and Stag­ing Acad­e­my is giv­ing dis­counts on all their class­es and they have a Stag­ing Sur­vival Kit. I do love staging!

Con: Las Vegas?
Truth:  Are you kid­ding …yes, Vegas.  The flights are rea­son­able, it’s a des­ti­na­tion city. The Las Vegas Home Show is hap­pen­ing at the same time so I can find ven­dors, prod­ucts and deals. Estab­lish­ing whole­sale con­tacts and see­ing the lat­est trends will impress my clients and my bank account. Don’t for­get that Pawn Stars is only a cab ride away.
Yes, Vegas… Why not??